quinta-feira, 30 de abril de 2015

Ayrton Senna Diz Que Estava Treinando Para Ser Pai

Trecho extraído do livro “The Life of Senna”

Adriane Galisteu e Ayrton Senna


Ele [Ayrton Senna] disse nas férias [época de verão no Brasil e inverno na Europa]: "Ela [Adriane Galisteu] carrega a minha felicidade", como ele tomou seu sobrinho Bruno da sua pista privada de Karting em Tatui, e se juntou a suas duas sobrinhas, Bianca e Paula, na piscina depois.

Adriane, em seguida, se juntou a eles e todos os cinco tomou dois cães de Senna, Kinda a Schnauzer e a mestiça Samanta, para um passeio à noite.

Quanto às crianças, ele disse: "Este é meu aprendizado para se tornar um pai." E ele não se importou se Adriane estivesse perto e ouvisse.


He did say that winter: “She carries my happiness,” as he took his nephew Bruno karting on his private track at Tatui, and joined his two nieces, Bianca and Paula, in the swimming pool afterwards.

Adriane then joined them and all five took Senna’s two dogs, Kinda the Schnauzer and mongrel Samanta, for an evening walk.

The two dogs told a story in themselves. They had just turned up on Senna’s farm one day by fate. As he said: “They just came to me. I didn’t go and buy them or programme it. It just happened. I love them and everything I have, everything that is part of my life, I love.”

As for the children he said: “This is my apprenticeship for becoming a father.” And he didn’t mind if Adriane heard either.

Trecho extraído do livro “The Life of Senna”, autor Tom Rubython


RUBYTHON, Tom. The Life of Senna. 1º Edição Sofback. London: BusinessF1 Books, 2006.

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